Echoing Futures - Algorithmic Monuments, performance IMR by Samantha Bohatsch, May 9th 2024, 7pm sharp, ACUD Galerie, Berlin
reading for Markues - Why don't you weep?, September 11th 2024, 11am - 2 pm, Hallen 05, Wilhelmhallen, Berlin
Sophia Domagala invited me as her guest to the May 2023 episode Rückwärts, Vorwärts of her radio show Slow Rise
Monopol Magazin, Ausgabe Oktober 2022, Château Royal - Ein Hotel als Ort der Kunst, by Elke Buhr
-, Berlin’s Château Royal Is a Buzzy New Space, by Christine Ajudua
IMR / SWM / TC in GYM - Nr. 3: LOVE, Magazin für Texte unserer Zeit, 2022
IMR in Dream, Slow Rise Radio Show, by Sophia Domagala & Lotta Bartoschewski (from 01:07:00)
SWM and TC in Parabolis Virtualis - Neue, queere Lyrik, 2021, book by Kevin Junk, Querverlag, Berlin
-, Jugend färbt ab - Kunstfestival „Gegenwart: Doing Youth“ in Hamburg, by Lara Brörken
SWR 2, „Theoretisch geht’s mir gut“ - Neue Multimediaausstellung im Freibad und in der Kunsthalle Mainz, by Martina Conrad
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Fazit: Reflexionen im Freibad und in der Kunsthalle Mainz, by Rudolf Schmitz
Feature in Portraits, a new book by Neven Allgeier
Frieze online, After a Year of Online Programming, What Worked?, by Carina Bukuts, Sean Burns, Mimi Chu, Terence Trouillot
Runaway on
Scorpio Season (revisited) on