How far to open up
, 2017, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria
Archipelago, 2018, Reinbeckhallen, Berlin
Cette Question qui vous Brûle les Lèvres, 2019, CAN Centre d'art Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

List of works in order of appearance:
mixed feelings, 2017, audio, 3:53 Min
installation view, How far to open up, 2017, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria
installation view, Archipelago, 2018, Reinbeckhallen, Berlin
installation views, Cette Question qui vous Brûle les Lèvres, 2019, CAN Centre d'art Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland

In mixed feelings (2017), Samantha Bohatsch tells of the (unhappy) attempts to build relationships with people in the times of social media. The panic attacks and pacifying stategies. The artist hums Lady Gaga songs, accompanied by the sounds of Berlin.
(Translation by Selene States)

In mixed feelings (2017) erzählt Samantha Bohatsch von den (unglücklichen) Versuchen, Beziehungen zu Menschen in Zeiten von Social Media aufzubauen. Von Panikattacken und Beruhigungstaktiken. Die Künstlerin summt Lady Gaga Songs und wird von Geräuschen Berlins begleitet.

Pictures by Sebastian Eggler (installation view, Archipelago, Reinbeckhallen, Berlin), Sebastian Verdon (installation views, Cette Question qui vous Brûle les Lèvres, 2019, CAN Centre d'art Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland)